"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." ~Plato

Thursday, May 27, 2010


After spending approximately 3 hours a night doing school dinner dishes for at least 2 days a week, doing home dishes (rinsing, putting in dishwasher, putting away clean dishes) takes about 30 seconds.  I will never gripe again.
Added benefit: If a family member does something gross with their food, you can tell them to clean their dishes/put them in the dishwasher and they will do it - especially if they are your little sister.  :)


P.S. I am glad to be home.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Some End of the Year Craziness

So, I've stopped working on homework (alternating Anthropology studying and final theory composition... composing...) this evening - er, early morning.  I can no longer concentrate, but I don't want to walk back across campus in the midnight dark by myself, so I will wait for Rachel and Rachel, who I am studying with. 

I feel as though that intro was not very coherent.  Props if you followed it.  :)

It's the end of the year!  Or almost.  My first year of college has FLOWN by.  Seriously.  Like a jet plane.  A really really really fast jet plane.  Zoom.  (Yes, I think you get it.  haha)

I mean, it has definitely been a long time since things first began in September, but I've never experienced time speeding up quite like it did this school year.  Is this growing up?  I'm not sure how much I like that...  Don't get me wrong, I like the benefits of being an adult (or young adult, as older adults would say), but this whole time warp wasn't something I knew about.  Was that in the contract, life?!  (FYI at 12:30 in the morning, I say things I think are funny that nobody else does... they usually sound better in my head.)

I'm excited for school to be done this year.  I loved it, but I am itching to stop being scholarly for a while.  Probably after about two weeks of summer vacation, I will go crazy and pick up 5 million books from the library to occupy my time, but for now, I want to stop thinking and sleep, or zone out in front of a television.  That's not to say I don't have plenty to do this summer.  I am working at KCDA again... for those who don't know, that is "King County Directors' Association", a school supplies distributor (aka middle-man).  It's a warehouse job.  I'm not anticipating it being fun, but I'm hoping it won't be absolutely miserable.  It wasn't too bad last summer and I'll have friends there, so it should at least be okay.  And it pays well.  $$$ is what counts!
I am also volunteering for Camp Madrona Girl Scout Camp again this summer!  It was an amazing experience and I can't wait to don my camp name and do it all again!  That week is also the week that my online Psyc 100 class that I am taking through Green River Community College begins.  I need that credit to transfer to PLU as a Psyc 101 credit to fulfill a pre-requisite for the school of education (that, my friends, is a mouthful to explain to people).  I am also participating in PLU's Summer Opera Workshop during the second week of August!  It goes from 8 to 5 Monday to Friday and Saturday is the dress rehersal and performance at 3pm.  I'm really excited to work with some awesome coaches and hone my skillage.  hahaha.

Speaking of opera!  Well, first of all, today has just been a really excellent day.  :)  Mostly just small reasons, but those are sometimes the best.  But the biggest news I got today was that I made it into PLU's next opera, Semele by Handel, and I got a supporting role!!!  I was fairly confident about just getting into the chorus, but I wasn't expecting anything big!  I am playing Iris, the attendent to the Goddess Juno, who is the wife of the God Jupiter, who is having an affair with the mortal (and title character) Semele.  Talk about a soap opera, right?!  (haha... I just realized opera... soap opera.... yeah.  Like I said, things I find funny that you won't.)  Apparently for first years (girls especially) this is kind of a big deal.  It really has boosted my confidence not only for my jury, aka my singing final, which is this upcoming Tuesday, but kind of about my voice in general and where I stand here.  It's so hard to tell here ... there are sooooooo many amazing singers!  It's going to be a fantastic cast though.  I can't wait!

Ummmm, what else before I head off?  Oh, my schedule for next year.  I will be in the next set of music classes - Ear Training III, Theory II, Advanced Keyboarding, voice lessons, and Foundations of Music Education - and then a PE raquetball class and a Women's Literature class.  I am geeking out about the lit class, as the teacher sent out the booklist a week ago for us to start preparing this summer.  I think it's about 13 or 14 books... crazy!  But exciting!  And this class is ultra-exciting because it fulfills a part of my (undelcared still) writing minor!  I can't wait!

Alrighty, time to go!  The Rachels are ready.  :)
Goodnight and love,

<3 Erin