"Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." ~Plato

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Life Update Before Midnight

A most excellent title, no?  My intention is to have this post be both quick and informational... we'll see which one wins.  Maybe it will be a tie!  Such is my goal.

So, my life.  Life is good.  *insert cool outdoorsy picture of guy and dog here* 

But really, everything is going quite well.  I had anticipated taking 17 credits being a little more challenging than this, but I'm not going to complain about free time!  I'm taking the standard music classes (Theory 1, Ear Training 2, Keyboarding, Choir, Voice) along with Biology 111 - "Biology in the Modern World" - and Anthropology 103 - "Introduction to Archaeology and World Prehistory".  Both are fairly simple.  I have had enough free time to READ FOR PLEASURE!!  Say what?!  That doesn't happen in college!  If you're reading books that aren't for classes, you will DIE of procrastination.  But I'm not procrastinating!  It is a very strange but wonderful phenomenon.  :)  Oh... and I will have a PE class in the second half of this semsester.  It will be 8am Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  I feel that the time alone will make it fairly difficult.  hah.

Although I say now that both of my non-music classes are simple... my first Bio exam is tomorrow and my Anthro midterm is Tuesday.  I'm not too worried about the Biology (hence, I am taking time to do this instead of anxiously review my notes for the third time...) but I'm not completely sure about how the Anthro midterm will go.  I mean, I'm pretty positive I'll be fine, but I know I need time to study this weekend which I will not have because:


I leave PLU with my dad tomorrow at 3, we stop by my house for about 15 minutes, and then it's off to Leavenworth!  ("Off to Leavenworth" sounds a lot like "Off to Neverland!"  *cue exciting flying music*  Or better yet - here: I specifically reference ~ 0:40 :) )  Except we are driving for 3.5ish  hours... not flying to the second star to the right.  Oh well.  haha.

I do my singing audition at 9pm tomorrow, and then dance auditions for The Sound of Music are at 8:15am on Saturday, and How to Succeed dancing is at 11:00 ish.  Callbacks are Sunday and hopefully I'll be there for them!  Basically, the results of this weekend will play a large role in me figuring out if I will be living in Leavenworth this summer or not.  So, it's a BIG WEEKEND.  :D  I'm not nervous yet, just excited and kind of anxious to get going.  I'm probably most concerned about the dancing, because I haven't done so in a while and don't have a very clear idea of how difficult it will be... oh well.  I trust in my Kate Mosbarger training!  :)  Yes yes yes.  I will of course update after this weekend and let everyone* know what I think and the results (when I get them). 

*Everyone being the very small number of people who read this.  :) 

So, we have reached the end.  And I think it was most definitely a tie.  YAY! 
I will leave you with pictures of some important ways I have spent my time at college in the past few days:


I don't know what they are so anxious about... perhaps we will find out in the next installment! (Yes, a next installment!)

Haha.  Okay, good night everyone*!


1 comment:

  1. Dear Erin,
    You may or may not be a sillyhead, but I am leaning toward the former.
    <3 Kiersten
