Where did June go? Anyone see it? I pretty much didn't. Time has gone crazy fast. It seems like it was just January and now it's summer already?! Well, "summer" anyway - as most Washingtonians would put it. I'm looking forward to the 80 degree weather we are supposedly getting this week. Can't get our hopes up too high, though. hah.
June was fairly uneventful - hence the non-blogging about it. I started my 40/week job (and am so thankful for it) on the 11th. I spent a week at Girl Scout Camp, from June 19th - 26th. That was crazy, but also fun and fulfilling. And then it was back to work this past week. Whoop-de-doo. I did get to hang out with my good friend Haley this past Friday and this was a 3-day holiday weekend - thank the Lord! Our 4th of July was uneventful, as always. Just the four of us at home. I spent most of my evening working on Psychology reading/homework. We went out into our court at about 10pm to watch the crazy-illegal fireworks that our crazy (but not illegal) neighbors set off every year. The kids at the end of the street were setting off nice, non-illegal ones - they were cute. :)
The rest of my month will be working during the week and hopefully seeing people on the weekends. This coming weekend, my aunt and uncle, and maybe my cousin, are coming up to visit for a night from California. The grown-ups are going to play golf. I'm hoping my cousin comes so we can go do something. If not, Emily and I can just get out of the house anyway. Maybe I'll drag her thrift-shopping. The next weekend my roommate for next year, Stephanie, is coming up with her parents. At least, that is supposedly the plan. I'm not sure about how that weekend is going to go. Then it's the SJTB Girl's Retreat on the 23rd - 24th. Oh yeah, and my birthday is somewhere in there too. haha. I was hoping to do something for it, but it's not looking very likely, unless I do it the following weekend. And August is its own craziness. Welcome to my life! haha.
In other news, I'm excited for my voice lessons to be starting up again tomorrow. I really need it. I'm a little worried that I haven't done much vocal upkeep since school ended, but it will be fine, I'm sure. I'm desperately trying/hoping to work out a voice recital towards the middle or end of August... I would really like that (as would many others, I hope. haha)! Between recital planning and prepping for the August Opera Workshop at PLU, I am being fully immersed in the singing world. I'm super thankful that I got that subscription to Classical Singer magazine. It makes me feel completely geeky - but I love it SO much!! I've also subscribed to a bunch of by/for singers blogs. They are fun and informative.
The only issue I'm having with all of this is that I'm kind of starting to doubt my choice of Major for school... I was probably 95% confident in wanting to teach when I declared in May, but looking at all of this vocal stuff some more, I am getting pushed back into the Land of Uncertainty. It's crazy frusturating, being so unsure. And I don't know what to do about the timing. I suppose if I decide I want to switch, it wouldn't be too hard to fit in a Gen Ed class in place of the Music Ed class I have in the fall. I kind of want to wait until I do the workshop, as that will be my first experience with performing opera. But then what if it's too late to get out of the Mus Ed/into something else by mid-August?! Argh. I'm praying for guidance - for who to talk to and what to do. *sigh*
Thanks for reading all of this rambling (if you did). :)
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